Thursday, December 6, 2012

~*One Month Left*~

..........Where did my adventure go?

It seems like it was just yesterday that I was moving into Vista Way to start the latest chapter of my journey. And now? Now I only have a month left. Time is really cruel, ya know. Last time I checked, it was October 7th and things were just starting to heat up. I was running around like crazy, having adventures left and right. I got to go to Universal Studios and I was making friends wherever I went.

And then October passed....and November happened....

And now it's December.


My program has definitely been a crazy experience. If I even had the time to sit down and write out every little detail of my Disney internship, we'd be here all day! So much has happened...So much happiness, excitement, and even heartbreak. I don't know what I'm gonna do when I finally go home...

But that's okay. Because at this point, I think I'm ready to go home.

I don't really feel like writing out all the bad things that have been happening to me since late November. In fact, I kind of want to forget most of it. Recording it down in my blog will only make me remember the small, painful details so I'd rather reflect on the positive things that happened recently.

Like my mom and C.J. visiting <3

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh we had the most lovely time!! My mom and I got to do SO much!! We got to do Magic Kingdom before the block out date happened and it was really amazing!

One of the fondest memories I'll have is when we got a surprise reservation at the new Be Our Guest cafe!! was BEAUTIFUL!!! The entire restaurant is decked out to be Beast's castle from Beauty and the Beast ^_^ The ballroom was just spectacular! And of course they played beautiful Beauty and the Beast music throughout the entire building...<3 Disney's architectural skills will never cease to amaze me!

I also got to drag my mom on all my favorite rides ^_^ Like Splash Mountain! Too bad our picture didn't show up :'( I could've added it to my collection...

We got to do Animal Kingdom and Epcot the following day! It was really cold while she was down here but the weather was quite lovely! We also got to eat at lovely restaurant called Olivia's Cafe! The food was incredible! I got a seafood pasta delight <3

Our hotel was very nice, too! We stayed at the Caribbean Beach and it was sooooo much fun! Our hotel room was very nice <3 We got to hang out at the beach and I even got to take a little cat nap in one of the hammocks ^_^

We did soooooooooooo much shopping, too!! I love my 40% off all merchandise discount and my mom did, too! Hahahha! It was sooo nifty!! And of course the discounts on meals, too...<3

One of my most memorable moments was when my mom and I went to Hollywood Studios together and then she came to see me when I was at work :) She gets motion sickness really easily but she still went on Star Tours anyways because I work there! I even got to fly her on my simulator!! Omigosh it was soooo much fun! I got to embarrass her in front of my whole cabin hahahaha!

The last really cool thing we got to do together was have a character dining breakfast at 1900 Park Fare in the Grand Floridian! We got to meet Pooh, Piglet, Tigger, Mary Poppins, and the Mad Hatter!!

Of course, our little happy vacation ended quickly when people at Disney Housing gave us problems about my apartment catching on fire....but all bad things eventually disperse. Disney Housing found that my stove had short circuited and decided to drop the $6000 charges. So yay for me!! Thank you, Disney!


I was really sad when my mom left....We had such an amazing Disney vacation together. I hope she had as much fun as I did!!

But right after my mom left, C.J. and his family came to see me ^_^ It was so great!! We had the GREATEST time!!

We got to hit up all the parks, minus Magic Kingdom. We hit up Animal Kingdom first and C.j's mom and stepdad came with us! We got to ride Dinosaur, Everest, Kilomanjaro Safari, and even Kali River Rapids!! Cj got completely soaked from head to toe and it was hilarious! hahaha! I wish I had a picture of it...

Oh, and we got to share a Turkey Leg <3 Very yummy!! Cj nom'd on it until there was nothing but bone...hahaha!

Hitting up Epcot was fun ^_^ I was really pushing Cj to do Soarin!! I was soooo looking forward to him going on it since its one of my favorite rides! Too bad he was disappoint with it....Said it wasn't thrilling enough DX

BUT! All was well when we got to share a bowl of yummy yummy udon at Japan in Epcot! And of course I dragged him on Journey to Imagination and the Three Cabelleros and Maelstrom!! We didn't do Mission Space though because that ride makes me sick as a dog...

Our journey to Hollywood Studios was definitely an adventure though! I got to introduce him to some of my favorite coworkers ^_^ We also got to see Fantasmic! Too bad we didn't get to see Indiana Jones, The Voyage of the Little Mermaid, or even Beauty and the Beast T___T Those are my favorite shows....

Tower of Terror was just a disaster waiting to happen....Even though I had already ridden it before, it still makes me nervous. I flipped out in the line and had a mini panic attack...I mean, it's not that the ride is even that bad. I don't know why it scared me so badly once I got in the line...But I rode it and had fun ^_^ Cj once again was disappoint...*sigh*


Overall, we had a great time!! We got to do soooo much and I got to share my home with him. I hope he and his family had a great time! I really needed to see him ^_^ I've missed him so much! I'm sure things will be sunshine and rainbows the second I get back home <3


After C.J. left......things went really downhill for me. I don't even want to talk about the Winter Formal--something I had been looking forward to for a long time. But even though it was one of the most painful nights I experienced so far, some of my girlfriends made it very sparkly! ^_^ Thanks, Chloe and Suzy!! Some friends will just always be there to buy you a margarita (or 5) when you have mascara running down from your face as your prom dress has make up smeared all over it.

But as rough as things get, there is always a rainbow at the end, right?

It's just that I had always wished for a perfect world. But no, it wasn't so...


So here I am. Sitting in my apartment, wondering how I'm going to make the most of my adventure. Things aren't like they were back in October and I'm constantly feeling lonely. Only one month left....why can't we just keep saying YOLO and make the most of our time left here?

I'm going to keep having fun. Even though I might be by myself, I want to leave this program with no regrets. I want to feel like I got the most out of my program.... I don't want to focus on all the bad things that have happened.

Because once I leave, I'm going to kill to be back in Star Tours, greeting guests as they begin their journey through our space terminal. I'm going to miss the days when I fly guests in their Starspeeder....and I'm even going to miss the drama of all the coworkers that I work closely with.

It's just....I really wish things would just go as planned every now and then >___<;;


I think I've wasted enough time being depressed though. I'm gonna take myself out to Magic Kingdom again, even if I'm alone. I'll make the most of it! Less than a month! Let's keep having fun! Let's look for the rainbow at the end!

And then we'll go home with nothing but sweet memories <3 But for now...let's just see what tomorrow brings <3

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